Feature Ideas

  1. Logic Testing in Test Preview

    client request Context: In Qatalyst, the current preview functionality does not allow users to experience the logic and branching that they have added to their test. This feature is crucial for users to see how their test will look and to verify that the logic is working correctly. Request: Please add logic capability to the tester preview. This will enable users to experience the branching and logic they have implemented, ensuring that their test functions as intended.

    #Feature Request#Improvement πŸ‘


  2. C Request | Support for Single-Page Long Prototype Test

    Client Request Context: Currently, our platform requires a prototype to have at least two pages. For long, single-page desktop sites, this limitation can be restrictive. While adding a thank-you page is a suggested workaround, but not an ideal solution and the 5-second test isn’t suitable due to the interactive nature of these prototypes. Request: Enable support for single-page long prototypes in tests, allowing users to test interactive desktop sites that function within one scrollable page without requiring additional pages.

    #Feature Request


  3. C Request | Logic Test in Preview Mode

    Context: The current preview functionality does not allow users to experience the logic and branching that they have added to their test. This feature is crucial for users to see how their test will look and to verify that the logic is working correctly. Request: Please add logic capability to the tester preview. This will enable users to experience the branching and logic they have implemented, ensuring that their test functions as intended.

    #Feature Request#Improvement πŸ‘#Deal Breaker πŸ’”


  4. Qatalyst Mobile App testing for iOS version

    Multiple clients have expressed their interest on Qatalyst to support iOS app testing as well. UserTesting and Userlytics support iOS testing Client: TiYA, Borderless Access, Grab, SKIM

    #Feature Request#Deal Breaker πŸ’”


  5. Scrollable insights for 5-second Block

    Client Request Context: In our 5-second block, we support the addition of long screenshots that users can scroll through to capture the entire essence of the content. However, in the insights section, the image is displayed in a fit-to-screen format, which makes it difficult to read and understand. Request: Please make the image in the insights section scrollable, similar to the functionality in the prototype block. This will ensure that users can view the entire image clearly and comprehend the insights effectively.

    #Feature Request#Improvement πŸ‘


  6. Tester details (Name & Timestamp) to be mentioned

    For usability testing, tester profiles are currently sorted without visibility into the sequence of test completion due to the testing setup. This requires manual updates to distinguish testers by ID. It would significantly enhance the process if each tester ID could include a timestamp. Additionally, integrating timestamps as a filtering parameter would improve our ability to manage and analyze the data effectively.

    #Feature Request#Deal Breaker πŸ’”


  7. Interpreting 'rage clicks' effectively.

    Whenever user taps continuously, it can be showcased separately to provide frustration point which can be a gamer changer

    #Feature Request#Improvement πŸ‘


  8. Ability to Create Collection

    Enable users to create collections/folders within Qatalyst for better file organization, like we have in Decode. This is very beneficial for arranging the studies since we do not have a team structure, so it would be beneficial to have a Collection feature.

    #Feature Request


  9. C Request | Scrollable Image Functionality for A/B Testing

    Client Request Context: The 5-second test block supports scrollable long screenshots, but the A/B testing feature displays images in a fit-to-screen format, limiting user interaction. Request: Please make the images in the A/B testing feature scrollable, similar to the functionality in the 5-second test block. This will ensure that users can interact with and explore the entire image for both versions.

    #Improvement πŸ‘


  10. Image block supporting multiple images

    To support a block where we can upload multiple images, enabling the upload of multiple app screenshots in sequence and Facilitating a visual representation of the app's user interface and flow. When the client does not have a fully developed prototype, they can use this feature to upload a series of images depicting the app's screens. They can then ask relevant follow-up questions based on these images, allowing for effective feedback collection without a complete prototype.

    Nivedha S
    #Feature Request#Improvement πŸ‘#Deal Breaker πŸ’”


  11. C Request | View Full Image When Selecting Screens in Prototype Test

    When setting up a prototype test, choosing the right home and end screens is essential. Right now, it's tricky to make sure we've picked the correct screens because we can only see small previews. If we could see the full-size images, it would be easier to make the right choice with confidence.



  12. C Request | Ability to Translate the Test to the other Languages

    Add support for translating surveys into Thai, Malay, and Tagalog to enhance accessibility and reach a broader audience. Purpose: Currently the platform supports only english and do not cover some of the major languages spoken in Southeast Asia. Adding translation support for Thai, Malay, and Tagalog will enable better engagement with respondents from Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines, ensuring inclusivity and more accurate feedback collection from these regions.

    #Feature Request#Improvement πŸ‘


  13. C Request | Ability to Add More Than 3 Groups in the GnR Block

    Increase the limit of groups that can be added within the Group and Randomization block from 3 to a higher number, such as 5 or more. Purpose: The current limit of 3 groups within the Group and Randomization block restricts the ability to perform more comprehensive testing scenarios. By allowing more than 3 groups, users can better segment their respondents, create more varied test conditions, and achieve more granular insights. Client Request

    #Feature Request#Improvement πŸ‘


  14. AI Summaries for Recordings

    To support AI-generated summaries for blocks containing recordings, making it easier for users to evaluate insights. When they have multiple recordings, they can quickly review AI-generated summaries to grasp the essential content without having to listen to each recording in its entirety.

    Nivedha S
    #Feature Request#Improvement πŸ‘


  15. Respondent Panel Direct Integration

    This feature request will help in sourcing/improving access to more testers worldwide and may help reduce the field work time.

    #Feature Request
